FEDAN'S Foreign Exchange Rate for Remittance

Today's Rate

Exchange Rate for Remittance -10 AM
Exchange Rate for Remittance -2 PM
CurrencyUnitBuying Rate(Average)
Note Rates published as per NRB Forex Directives Rates are applicable to banks and financial institutions and Remittance companies.

About Us

Foreign Exchange and Money Dealers Association of Nepal (FEDAN)

Foreign Exchange and Money Dealers Association of Nepal (FEDAN) is a not for profit organization registered with District Administration Office Kathmandu, on 20 th Poush 2052 B.S. (January 4, 1996 A.D.) under Organization Registration Act 2034 (1977).

FEDAN was established to acquire succession of the then organization namely Foreign Exchange and Money Dealers Association of Nepal having founder members Nepal Bank Limited, Rastriya Banijya Bank, Nepal Arab Bank, Nepal Indosuez Bank and Nepal Grindlays Bank Limited and operate the same accordingly.

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    CurrencyUnitBuying Rate(Average)